• woman meditating in forest

    Begin by honoring the sacred origins of the lake and delve into the ancient practices of Buddhist and Ayurvedic walking meditation. Then, immerse yourself in silence as you walk the lakeshore trail, tuning the physical senses and calming the mind. End with a powerful Indigenous breathwork practice overlooking the sunrise over the Canadian Rockies, leaving you invigorated and inspired for the day ahead.


Morning Meditation Walk

Begin by honoring the sacred origins of the lake and delve into the ancient practices of Buddhist and Ayurvedic walking meditation. Then, immerse yourself in silence as you walk the lakeshore trail, tuning the physical senses and calming the mind. End with a powerful Indigenous breathwork practice overlooking the sunrise over the Canadian Rockies, leaving you invigorated and inspired for the day ahead.

Guests must be 13 years of age or older.

Location: Louise
Time: September 8th: 7:30AM - 8:30AM
Frequency: Weekly

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